Friday, January 29, 2016

Don't buy a pet, adopt one... in a shelter.

New Campaign ad for me: Don't buy a pet, adopt one... in a shelter. 

We can help save the puppies lives who are in the shelter by adopting one rather than buying from puppy mills. Please don't patronize them, if you could see how wretched the dogs are, it would break your heart.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

1st Vol

As I'm nearing my prime, I made a vow that I would give something back to the ones who needed it. Someone who basically needed our attention the most, the ones who loves us more than themselves. So by making this informative volumes about caring for our pet and distributing it to the public. I would be able to spread knowledge on how to's, the do's & don'ts on caring for our furry friends. Thus, Petcare101 was made :)

 Like I said, I want people to know every little details about caring for our furry friends. So in this 1st Volume, I've concentrated on the basic procedures of pet first aid. Because you'll never know when you'll be able to save your furry friends life in times of emergency.

* for soft copy of this volume, please email me a request at  
or just leave a comment below along with your email address and place (country) so that I can revise some contact details on the brochure.